The Amuc, and Inca Hydra (The Second Adventure; Now in English and Spanish)


Forward: When Gilmore Anquist vanished, nobody knew very where to begin searching for him. That was a very nearly multi decade prior. I realized him very well, or at least, as well as anybody I assume – , for an American chap- – one that was meandering in Latin America for around two-years. He let me know he was searching for the secret of the Amuc. I thought he was lying at that point, and was looking for trouble – some sort of trick, it was by all accounts a conundrum from the outset, then I began to get these journal notes shipped off me, the ones I will assemble and impart to you. The story happens in pieces of Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia; and albeit these are simply short notes of a man who transformed into an Amuc, it is a lot further than that, would it be a good idea for you not have perused the principal experience of Gilmore Anquist, you will have missed a little data, however insufficient to make this not beneficial perusing. The one area he enjoyed the most was in the space of Huancayo, so I heard from a large number of its homes somewhere around there; in the Mantaro Valley district, moving around San Jeronimo, by the old sixteenth century church, San Sebastian.

The Amuc

From the primary story: The Amuc: “The little Amuc grinned a jeering grin; I was another animal to him, as he was to me. He let out sounds I never heard, as I guess I did to him, two dialects that held tight grins and non-verbal communication. Yet, I comprehended him to say, “We have a realm down here, and you are gladly received, yet I don’t figure you will leave.” And obviously he was correct. What’s more, right in front of him and hand signals, he suggested: I should pick up the pace, the memorial service was occurring, and like a flame smothered, he was no more. I can’t recall for the existence of me when that would i say i was; mean, was it a year prior, or five, or maybe ten?”

The Second Adventure: The Amuc, and Inca Hydra

Out of existence, I had meandered carelessly in the giant mineral mines of the Andes, and salt mines of Colombia, burrows that came to from Boliva to Peru, as far as possible under Ecuador, right under Bogota, Colombia. Here is where I met Inca Hydra, she said she was brought into the world in the Huancayo, district of Peru, also called the Mantaro Valley region. Then her folks relocated to the salt mines of Bogotia, about decade prior; so she told me, in this way, I had been meandering in these mines, burrows for a considerable length of time. I was a maverick generally, and had been contracted to the size of around two feet from near six feet tall. That’s what it was, or kick the bucket by the hands of the Amuc, there were two Amuc societies down here. One, I call the Angelic Amuc, more amicable than the other, the Iron Winged Amuc. The Angelic Amuc have fair hair and watchman the passages generally, for the excavators. They are cordial, and like to joke, and Hydra is from that race of Amuc. And afterward there are the more satanic, or awful Amuc, the dark and dark Amuc whom like to startle you to death, more like trolls. Spread the word to the perusers, there are fiends in these passages, would it be a good idea for you be like me, fall into such an issue, and track down yourself, such in this underground world; destiny doesn’t necessarily follow the rules, nor does it favor any one individual.

So I was right here, in the empty of the earth, under the city of Bogota, and out into the most distant locales of the city, with my new spouse, Inca Hydra, from the clan of the Angelic Amuc. We had been hitched now, going on, a year, and we went from solitary area to the following like wanderers. She would move and I would sing, for our food. Be it mushrooms, new water, bread or a collection of food varieties. I enjoyed mondongo soup, and a portion of the Amuc made it from corn and cow meat, the main issue was is that they needed to crawl into certain ranchers kitchen and take it, take it back to the hidden world, and hence, it was very cost, while trading. Yet, such food sources like potatoes were not difficult to expect (yams, mushrooms, carrots, worms, lettuce).

–Since time has passed by, I have had more slots than adequate opportunity to think obviously, and I wish to take for the leftover days of my life, just my dedicated spouse; and composing my journal notes for the people who wish to peruse them in future time. Yet, Hydra wishes to return to Huancayo, Peru, to reside, where the devils are less, and the Iron Winged Amuc are not exactly the (Angelic) Blond Haired Amuc. There we will construct a home in the Mantaro Valley (San Jeronimo), by an old brickmaker’s home, called Old Man Augusto, whom at one time the Iron Winged Amuc cornered, yet he got away into the secret site of a mountain he was cutting out and utilizing to make blocks out of. He had concealed there until the Blond Haired Amuc showed up, and saved him.

In Short: as I think back now, as of now occasion, or experience in my life, it again has changed for what seems like forever, as periodically occasions do. Had I not taken this experience to wed Hydra, I would have died inside these taboo roots, inside the outside of the earth, no inquiry regarding it, my life was many times in they mind and speed of Hydra. We have now been hitched decade, indeed, goodness indeed, just about a quarter century have passed since I arrived at this underground world, and I’m maturing with the Amuc, and you might just call me a mutt, for I am only that. What’s more, the greater part of the underground world scoff at me, however my exquisite spouse they’d kill for, would it be advisable for her she acknowledge the many proposals to wed, would it be a good idea for me I unexpectedly bite the dust. However, this is all I can compose now, I’m 60-years of age now, my better half, yet 27-years of age.

Note: composed during the period of October, 2005; while going through South America (Peru and Colombia).

In Spanish
Interpreted by Nancy Peñaloza

El Amuc, e Inca Hydra
(La Segunda Aventura)

El Amuc e Inca Hydra: la Segunda Aventura (un cuento, Dedicado a Joseito Arrieta de La emisora de radio 91.7 “Súper Latina” en Huancayo)

Adelanto: Cuando Gilmore Anquist desapareció, casi nadie sabía donde comenzar a buscarlo. Esto fue hace casi unas tres décadas. Yo lo conocía bastante bien, es decir tan bien como cualquiera supongo-, para un americano que estaba vagando en América Latina por aproximadamente dos años. Él me dijo que él buscaba el misterio del Amuc. Pensé que él estaba mintiendo esta vez, y no esperé nothing bueno – una especie de broma pesada, pareció ser una tontería al principio, entonces comencé an obtener estos apuntes de diario enviados hacia mí, estos los que voy a reunir y compartir con ustedes. La historia ocurre en partes de Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia, y Colombia; y aunque estos child solo los apuntes cortos de un hombre que se convirtió en Amuc, es mucho más profundo que esto, podría usted no haber leído la primera aventura de Gilmore Anquist, usted habrá perdido una pequeña información, pero no mucho para no hacer de esta una lectura que vale la pena. La única localidad que disfrutó más, es en el área de Huancayo, por que tuve noticias de muchas de sus vivencias por allí; en la región de Valle del Mantaro, por y alrededor de San Jerónimo, por la Iglesia antigua del siglo XVI, San Sebastián.

El Amuc
(Por Gilmore Anquist (apuntes de diario)

De la primera historia: “El Amuc”: El pequeño Amuc sonrió una sonrisa burlona; yo period una nueva criatura para él, como él lo time para mí. Él soltó sonidos que nunca oí, como supongo que yo lo hice para él, dos lenguas que colgaron sobre risas y lenguaje corporal. Pero lo entendí por así decir, ” tenemos un reino aquí, y usted es bienvenido, mas no pienso que usted se marchará”. Y desde luego él tuvo razón. Y en su cara y gestos de la mano, él explicó: Debo ir de prisa, el entierro esta empezando, y como una vela apagada, él se fue. No puedo recordar por mi vida cuando fue eso; pienso, ¿fue hace un año, o cinco, o quizás diez? ”

La Segunda Aventura: El Amuc, e Inca Hydra

Fuera del espacio y el tiempo, yo había vagado sin rumbo en las colosales minas de minerales de los Andes, y las minas de sal de Colombia, túneles que alcanzaban desde Bolivia hasta Perú, task el camino bajo Ecuador, directamente bajo Bogotá, Colombia. Aquí es donde encontré a la Inca Hydra, ella dijo que ella nació en Huancayo, en la región de Perú, mejor conocido como área del Valle del Mantaro. Entonces sus padres emigraron a las minas de sal de Bogota, hace aproximadamente diez años; entonces ella me dijo, así, yo había estado vagando en estas minas, túneles durante quince años. Yo estaba solitaria por todas partes, y había encogido al tamaño de dos pies aproximadamente de cerca de seis pies altos. Esto tuvo que ser así, o morir por las manos del Amuc, había dos culturas Amuc aquí. Uno, al que yo lo llamo Amuc Angelical, más amigable que el otro, el Amuc Alado de Hierro. Amuc Angelical tiene el pelo rubio y protege los túneles principalmente, para los mineros. Ellos child amistosos, y les gusta bromear, y la Inca Hydra es de aquella raza de Amuc. Y luego allí esta el Amuc más demoníaco, o brutal, el gris y negro Amuc a le quien gusta asustarle a la muerte, más parecido a duendes. Déjele también ser conocido a los lectores, roughage demonios en estos túneles, podría Ud. Estar como yo cayendo en un dilema, y encontrarse a si mismo, como en un mundo subterráneo; el destino no siempre juega lo justo, tampoco esto favorece a cualquier persona.